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Nowhere Ranch by Heidi Cullinan

Nowhere Ranch - Heidi Cullinan

Read from December 09 to 10, 2013

Well, here's the book everyone loves but me.


And I'm sorry and I feel bad, but it's true.


While reading Nowhere Ranch I was like:



The story seemed just... shallow. The plot - I've read it before. The characters - predictable. The sex scenes - I can't find a word. It was just not for me. I've starded to read this with some great, great expectations, but something went wrong. Maybe it was just the contrast after reading Training Season or Don't.... Maybe it's the sign from above that I need to rest a bit and stop reading the MM romance for some time. (But I don't want to, not really.)


Giving this book 1 star would be unfair. I've read worse after all.